“It became evident to me over a quarter century ago that relying on basic buy and hold strategies, asset allocation, diversification, and basic rebalancing methods fall short of truly protecting our clients in down markets.
The new century brought with it several bear and market corrections that wreaked havoc on investor portfolios, despite the use of Modern Portfolio Theory in portfolio constructs. It was a wake-up call for so many of us, realizing the devastating financial impacts these early years had on so many lives. Protecting our clients in down markets requires not just strategy, but ongoing active management and oversight of the ever-changing market conditions.
We take great pride in having built a shepherd-minded company that embraces the deepest of sentiments in helping you protect and enhance your clients’ ability to attain financial security and accomplish their goals.”
As shepherds protect their flock, our kingdom-minded mission is to deliver financial security through a premier suite of SHEP investment solutions, striving to protect investors in major market downturns and positioned to deliver performance with less risk.
Our proprietary SHEP algorithmic platform seeks to mitigate risks by executing protective measures ahead of major market downturns. Doing so, equips investors with the opportunity to enhance performance over conventional buy-and-hold strategies.
Algorithmic trading, combined with A.I. machine learning, can provide numerous advantages over human-driven strategies. This better enables our mission through disciplined execution of our SHEP investment strategies.
Our SHEP algorithm, the Edge, informs all investment strategies, applying 63 rules-based, data-driven variables and risk metrics, discerning patterns in price movements while attempting to predict future ones.
We uphold the highest standards of moral character and integrity; operating with clear transparency and candor.
We are fully devoted to acting in your clients and our employees’ best interest above all.
We are committed to continuous improvement and delivering best-in-class performance.
We know that trust is earned not just through verbal platitudes. We understand that gaining trust through delivering results is about putting your clients’ best interests and safety above all.
Success starts with envisioning a well-defined destination. We consider our efforts an achievement when your clients realize financial freedom.